
Albatross Wiki

Albatross is a small open-source toolkit used to construct stateful web applications, created by Object Craft.

AlbatrossTutorial is a tutorial to help people get started using Albatross with useful examples they can cut and paste from.

AlbatrossForms is (currently experimental) support for simplifying forms-handling in Albatross applications.

This wiki is a collaborative hypertext environment. For help using it, see HelpContents.


Other interesting starting points:

How to use this site

A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share:

To learn more about what a WikiWikiWeb is, read about WhyWikiWorks and the WikiNature.

This wiki is powered by MoinMoin.

None: FrontPage (last edited 2019-09-20 00:20:01 by AndrewMcNamara)