Locals is a fundamental component of albatross. It is core for communicating to and from templates. Unfortunately, understanding attributes is sometimes a little counterintuitive. This section will try to cover general concepts about locals but then lead you to sections dealing with specific examples. == locals == Locals is simply an empty class definition: {{{ class Vars: pass ... ctx.locals = Vars() }}} This empty class definition is simply a framework onto which one can impose application-specific data. Attributes are a standard feature of python. They are used all the time but we just don't think of them as attributes. For example: {{{ v = Vars() v.my_name = 'Matt' }}} This is perfectly valid and fairly normal in Python. After all, you don't have to define instance attributes, you just say `self.my_name = 'Matt'`. Parent: PuzzledAboutBitsAndPieces