

Wraps the string_to_ptr() function. The C signature of string_to_ptr() is

PyObject string_to_ptr(char *str)

The function is called like this:

ret = PyInt_FromLong((int)str);

Returns ret.


Wraps the string_from_ptr() function. The C signature of string_from_ptr() is

PyObject string_from_ptr(int ptr)

The function is called like this:

ret = PyString_FromString((char *)ptr);

Returns ret.


Wraps the Buffer() function. The C signature of Buffer() is

Buffer Buffer()

The function is called like this:

ret = Buffer();

Returns ret.

open_debug_log(fname, mode)

Wraps the open_debug_log() function. The C signature of open_debug_log() is

void open_debug_log(char *fname, char *mode)

The function is called like this:

open_debug_log(fname, mode);


Wraps the MAKE_DIALOG_TEMPLATE() function. The C signature of MAKE_DIALOG_TEMPLATE() is

DlgTempl MAKE_DIALOG_TEMPLATE(PyObject *seq)

The function is called like this:


Returns ret.


Wraps the GlobalMemoryStatus() function. The C signature of GlobalMemoryStatus() is

VOID GlobalMemoryStatus(MEMORYSTATUS *buff)

The function is called like this:


GetProfileInt(app_name, key_name, defval)

Wraps the GetProfileInt() function. The C signature of GetProfileInt() is

UINT GetProfileInt(LPCSTR app_name, LPCSTR key_name, INT defval)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetProfileInt((LPCSTR)app_name, (LPCSTR)key_name, (INT)defval);

Returns ret.

GetProfileString(app_name, key_name, defval, val, val_len)

Wraps the GetProfileString() function. The C signature of GetProfileString() is

DWORD GetProfileString(LPCSTR app_name, LPCSTR key_name, LPCSTR defval, LPSTR val, int val_len)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetProfileString((LPCSTR)app_name, (LPCSTR)key_name, (LPCSTR)defval, val->buff, val_len);

Returns ret, str.


Wraps the GetTickCount() function. The C signature of GetTickCount() is

DWORD GetTickCount()

The function is called like this:

ret = GetTickCount();

Returns ret.


Wraps the Sleep() function. The C signature of Sleep() is

VOID Sleep(DWORD millisecs)

The function is called like this:


AppendMenu(menu, flags, new_item_id, new_item)

Wraps the AppendMenu() function. The C signature of AppendMenu() is

BOOL AppendMenu(HMENU menu, UINT flags, UINT new_item_id, LPCSTR new_item)

The function is called like this:

ret = AppendMenu((HMENU)menu, (UINT)flags, (UINT)new_item_id, (LPCSTR)new_item);

Returns ret.

CallWindowProc(wnd_proc, wnd, msg, wparam, lparam)

Wraps the CallWindowProc() function. The C signature of CallWindowProc() is

LRESULT CallWindowProc(WNDPROC wnd_proc, HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)

The function is called like this:

ret = wnd_proc_call(wnd_proc, wnd, msg, wparam, lparam);

Returns ret.

ClientToScreen(wnd, point)

Wraps the ClientToScreen() function. The C signature of ClientToScreen() is

BOOL ClientToScreen(HWND wnd, POINT *point)

The function is called like this:

ret = ClientToScreen((HWND)wnd, &point->point);

Returns ret.

CheckMenuItem(menu, item_id, check)

Wraps the CheckMenuItem() function. The C signature of CheckMenuItem() is

DWORD CheckMenuItem(HMENU menu, UINT item_id, UINT check)

The function is called like this:

ret = CheckMenuItem((HMENU)menu, (UINT)item_id, (UINT)check);

Returns ret.

CheckMenuRadioItem(menu, first_id, last_id, check_id, flags)

Wraps the CheckMenuRadioItem() function. The C signature of CheckMenuRadioItem() is

BOOL CheckMenuRadioItem(HMENU menu, UINT first_id, UINT last_id, UINT check_id, UINT flags)

The function is called like this:

ret = CheckMenuRadioItem((HMENU)menu, (UINT)first_id, (UINT)last_id, (UINT)check_id, (UINT)flags);

Returns ret.


Wraps the CreateMenu() function. The C signature of CreateMenu() is

HMENU CreateMenu()

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateMenu();

Returns ret.


Wraps the CreatePopupMenu() function. The C signature of CreatePopupMenu() is

HMENU CreatePopupMenu()

The function is called like this:

ret = CreatePopupMenu();

Returns ret.

CreateWindow(class_name, window_name, style, x, y, width, height, parent, menu, inst, param)

Wraps the CreateWindow() function. The C signature of CreateWindow() is

HWND CreateWindow(LPCSTR class_name, LPCSTR window_name, DWORD style, int x, int y, int width, int height, HWND parent, HMENU menu, HINSTANCE inst, void *param)

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateWindow((LPCSTR)class_name, window_name, (DWORD)style, x, y, width, height, (HWND)parent, (HMENU)menu, (HINSTANCE)inst, param);

Returns ret.

DefWindowProc(wnd, msg, wparam, lparam)

Wraps the DefWindowProc() function. The C signature of DefWindowProc() is

LRESULT DefWindowProc(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)

The function is called like this:

ret = DefWindowProc((HWND)wnd, (UINT)msg, (WPARAM)wparam, (LPARAM)lparam);

Returns ret.


Wraps the DestroyCaret() function. The C signature of DestroyCaret() is

BOOL DestroyCaret()

The function is called like this:

ret = DestroyCaret();

Returns ret.


Wraps the DestroyMenu() function. The C signature of DestroyMenu() is

BOOL DestroyMenu(HMENU menu)

The function is called like this:

ret = DestroyMenu((HMENU)menu);

Returns ret.


Wraps the DestroyWindow() function. The C signature of DestroyWindow() is

BOOL DestroyWindow(HWND wnd)

The function is called like this:

ret = DestroyWindow((HWND)wnd);

Returns ret.

DialogBox(inst, templ_name, parent_wnd, dlg_proc)

Wraps the DialogBox() function. The C signature of DialogBox() is

int DialogBox(HINSTANCE inst, LPCSTR templ_name, HWND parent_wnd, DLGPROC dlg_proc)

The function is called like this:

ret = DialogBoxParam(
    (HINSTANCE)inst, (LPCSTR)templ_name,
    (HWND)parent_wnd, (DLGPROC)dlg_proc_trampoline,

Returns ret.

DialogBoxIndirect(inst, templ, parent_wnd, dlg_proc)

Wraps the DialogBoxIndirect() function. The C signature of DialogBoxIndirect() is

int DialogBoxIndirect(HINSTANCE inst, void *templ, HWND parent_wnd, DLGPROC dlg_proc)

The function is called like this:

ret = DialogBoxIndirectParam(
    (HWND)parent_wnd, (DLGPROC)dlg_proc_trampoline,

Returns ret.


Wraps the DispatchMessage() function. The C signature of DispatchMessage() is

LRESULT DispatchMessage(MSG *msg)

The function is called like this:

ret = DispatchMessage(&msg->msg);

Returns ret.

EnableMenuItem(menu, enable_item_id, enable)

Wraps the EnableMenuItem() function. The C signature of EnableMenuItem() is

BOOL EnableMenuItem(HMENU menu, UINT enable_item_id, UINT enable)

The function is called like this:

ret = EnableMenuItem((HMENU)menu, (UINT)enable_item_id, (UINT)enable);

Returns ret.

EndDialog(dlg, result)

Wraps the EndDialog() function. The C signature of EndDialog() is

BOOL EndDialog(HWND dlg, int result)

The function is called like this:

ret = EndDialog((HWND)dlg, result);

Returns ret.

GetClassLong(wnd, index)

Wraps the GetClassLong() function. The C signature of GetClassLong() is

ULONG GetClassLong(HWND wnd, int index)

The function is called like this:

ret = name_proc_getclasslong(wnd, index);

Returns ret.

GetClientRect(wnd, rect)

Wraps the GetClientRect() function. The C signature of GetClientRect() is

BOOL GetClientRect(HWND wnd, RECT *rect)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetClientRect((HWND)wnd, &rect->rect);

Returns ret.


Wraps the GetCursorPos() function. The C signature of GetCursorPos() is

BOOL GetCursorPos(POINT *point)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetCursorPos(&point->point);

Returns ret.

GetDlgItemInt(dlg, id, trans, is_signed)

Wraps the GetDlgItemInt() function. The C signature of GetDlgItemInt() is

UINT GetDlgItemInt(HWND dlg, int id, BOOL *trans, BOOL is_signed)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetDlgItemInt((HWND)dlg, id, &trans, (BOOL)is_signed);

Returns ret, trans.

GetDlgItemText(dlg, id, val, max_val)

Wraps the GetDlgItemText() function. The C signature of GetDlgItemText() is

UINT GetDlgItemText(HWND dlg, int id, LPSTR val, int max_val)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetDlgItemText((HWND)dlg, id, val->buff, max_val);

Returns ret, str.


Wraps the GetFocus() function. The C signature of GetFocus() is

HWND GetFocus()

The function is called like this:

ret = GetFocus();

Returns ret.


Wraps the GetKeyState() function. The C signature of GetKeyState() is

SHORT GetKeyState(int virt_key)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetKeyState(virt_key);

Returns ret.

GetMessage(msg, wnd, filter_min, filter_max)

Wraps the GetMessage() function. The C signature of GetMessage() is

BOOL GetMessage(MSG *msg, HWND wnd, UINT filter_min, UINT filter_max)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetMessage(&msg->msg, (HWND)wnd, (UINT)filter_min, (UINT)filter_max);

Returns ret.


Wraps the GetModuleHandle() function. The C signature of GetModuleHandle() is

HMODULE GetModuleHandle(LPCSTR name)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetModuleHandle(name);

Returns ret.


Wraps the GetParent() function. The C signature of GetParent() is

HWND GetParent(HWND wnd)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetParent((HWND)wnd);

Returns ret.

GetPrivateProfileInt(app, key, defval, file)

Wraps the GetPrivateProfileInt() function. The C signature of GetPrivateProfileInt() is

UINT GetPrivateProfileInt(LPCSTR app, LPCSTR key, int defval, LPCSTR file)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetPrivateProfileInt((LPCSTR)app, (LPCSTR)key, defval, (LPCSTR)file);

Returns ret.

GetPrivateProfileString(app, key, defval, val, val_len, file)

Wraps the GetPrivateProfileString() function. The C signature of GetPrivateProfileString() is

DWORD GetPrivateProfileString(LPCSTR app, LPCSTR key, LPCSTR defval, LPSTR val, int val_len, LPCSTR file)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetPrivateProfileString((LPCSTR)app, (LPCSTR)key, (LPCSTR)defval, val->buff, val_len, (LPCSTR)file);

Returns ret, str.

GetScrollPos(wnd, bar)

Wraps the GetScrollPos() function. The C signature of GetScrollPos() is

int GetScrollPos(HWND wnd, int bar)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetScrollPos((HWND)wnd, bar);

Returns ret.

GetWindowLong(wnd, index)

Wraps the GetWindowLong() function. The C signature of GetWindowLong() is

LONGOBJ GetWindowLong(HWND wnd, int index)

The function is called like this:

ret = wnd_proc_getwindowlong(wnd, index);

Returns ret.


Wraps the GetSysColor() function. The C signature of GetSysColor() is

DWORD GetSysColor(int index)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetSysColor(index);

Returns ret.


Wraps the GetSystemMetrics() function. The C signature of GetSystemMetrics() is

int GetSystemMetrics(int index)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetSystemMetrics(index);

Returns ret.

GetWindowRect(wnd, rect)

Wraps the GetWindowRect() function. The C signature of GetWindowRect() is

BOOL GetWindowRect(HWND wnd, RECT *rect)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetWindowRect((HWND)wnd, &rect->rect);

Returns ret.


Wraps the HideCaret() function. The C signature of HideCaret() is

BOOL HideCaret(HWND wnd)

The function is called like this:

ret = HideCaret((HWND)wnd);

Returns ret.


Wraps the HIWORD() function. The C signature of HIWORD() is

int HIWORD(int value)

The function is called like this:

ret = HIWORD(value);

Returns ret.

IsDialogMessage(dlg, msg)

Wraps the IsDialogMessage() function. The C signature of IsDialogMessage() is

BOOL IsDialogMessage(HWND dlg, MSG *msg)

The function is called like this:

ret = IsDialogMessage((HWND)dlg, &msg->msg);

Returns ret.

KillTimer(wnd, event)

Wraps the KillTimer() function. The C signature of KillTimer() is

BOOL KillTimer(HWND wnd, UINT event)

The function is called like this:

timerproc_remove((HWND)wnd, (UINT)event);
ret = KillTimer((HWND)wnd, (UINT)event);

Returns ret.

LoadAccelerators(inst, table_name)

Wraps the LoadAccelerators() function. The C signature of LoadAccelerators() is

HACCEL LoadAccelerators(HINSTANCE inst, LPCSTR table_name)

The function is called like this:

ret = LoadAccelerators((HINSTANCE)inst, table_name);

Returns ret.

LoadCursor(inst, name)

Wraps the LoadCursor() function. The C signature of LoadCursor() is


The function is called like this:

ret = LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)inst, name);

Returns ret.

LoadIcon(inst, name)

Wraps the LoadIcon() function. The C signature of LoadIcon() is


The function is called like this:

ret = LoadIcon((HINSTANCE)inst, name);

Returns ret.

LoadString(inst, id, str, str_len)

Wraps the LoadString() function. The C signature of LoadString() is

int LoadString(HINSTANCE inst, UINT id, LPSTR str, int str_len)

The function is called like this:

ret = LoadString((HINSTANCE)inst, (UINT)id, str->buff, str_len);

Returns ret, str.


Wraps the LOWORD() function. The C signature of LOWORD() is

int LOWORD(int w)

The function is called like this:

ret = LOWORD(w);

Returns ret.

MAKELONG(low, high)

Wraps the MAKELONG() function. The C signature of MAKELONG() is


The function is called like this:

ret = MAKELONG((WORD)low, (WORD)high);

Returns ret.


Wraps the MessageBeep() function. The C signature of MessageBeep() is

BOOL MessageBeep(UINT type)

The function is called like this:

ret = MessageBeep((UINT)type);

Returns ret.

MessageBox(wnd, text, title, type)

Wraps the MessageBox() function. The C signature of MessageBox() is

int MessageBox(HWND wnd, LPCSTR text, LPCSTR title, UINT type)

The function is called like this:

ret = MessageBox((HWND)wnd, (LPCSTR)text, (LPCSTR)title, (UINT)type);

Returns ret.

MoveWindow(wnd, x, y, width, height, repaint)

Wraps the MoveWindow() function. The C signature of MoveWindow() is

BOOL MoveWindow(HWND wnd, int x, int y, int width, int height, BOOL repaint)

The function is called like this:

ret = MoveWindow((HWND)wnd, x, y, width, height, (BOOL)repaint);

Returns ret.

PeekMessage(msg, wnd, filter_min, filter_max, flags)

Wraps the PeekMessage() function. The C signature of PeekMessage() is

BOOL PeekMessage(MSG *msg, HWND wnd, UINT filter_min, UINT filter_max, UINT flags)

The function is called like this:

ret = PeekMessage(&msg->msg, (HWND)wnd, (UINT)filter_min, (UINT)filter_max, (UINT)flags);

Returns ret.

PostMessage(wnd, msg, wparam, lparam)

Wraps the PostMessage() function. The C signature of PostMessage() is

BOOL PostMessage(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)

The function is called like this:

ret = PostMessage((HWND)wnd, (UINT)msg, (WPARAM)wparam, (LPARAM)lparam);

Returns ret.


Wraps the PostQuitMessage() function. The C signature of PostQuitMessage() is

void PostQuitMessage(int exit_code)

The function is called like this:



Wraps the RegisterClassEx() function. The C signature of RegisterClassEx() is

ATOM RegisterClassEx(WNDCLASSEX *wc)

The function is called like this:

if (!name_proc_add(wc->wc.lpszClassName, wc->proxy_wnd_proc))
    return NULL;
ret = RegisterClassEx(&wc->wc);

Returns ret.

ScreenToClient(wnd, point)

Wraps the ScreenToClient() function. The C signature of ScreenToClient() is

BOOL ScreenToClient(HWND wnd, POINT *point)

The function is called like this:

ret = ScreenToClient((HWND)wnd, &point->point);

Returns ret.

ScrollWindow(wnd, x, y, rect, clip)

Wraps the ScrollWindow() function. The C signature of ScrollWindow() is

BOOL ScrollWindow(HWND wnd, int x, int y, RECT *rect, RECT *clip)

The function is called like this:

ret = ScrollWindow((HWND)wnd, x, y, rect, clip);

Returns ret.

SendDlgItemMessage(dlg, id, msg, wparam, lparam)

Wraps the SendDlgItemMessage() function. The C signature of SendDlgItemMessage() is

LRESULT SendDlgItemMessage(HWND dlg, int id, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)

The function is called like this:

ret = SendDlgItemMessage((HWND)dlg, id, (UINT)msg, (WPARAM)wparam, (LPARAM)lparam);

Returns ret.

SendMessage(wnd, msg, wparam, lparam)

Wraps the SendMessage() function. The C signature of SendMessage() is

LRESULT SendMessage(HWND wnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)

The function is called like this:

ret = SendMessage((HWND)wnd, (UINT)msg, (WPARAM)wparam, (LPARAM)lparam);

Returns ret.

SetCaretPos(x, y)

Wraps the SetCaretPos() function. The C signature of SetCaretPos() is

BOOL SetCaretPos(int x, int y)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetCaretPos(x, y);

Returns ret.

SetClassLong(wnd, index, new_long)

Wraps the SetClassLong() function. The C signature of SetClassLong() is

ULONG SetClassLong(HWND wnd, int index, LONG new_long)

The function is called like this:

ret = name_proc_setclasslong(wnd, index, new_long);

Returns ret.

SetCursorPos(x, y)

Wraps the SetCursorPos() function. The C signature of SetCursorPos() is

BOOL SetCursorPos(int x, int y)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetCursorPos(x, y);

Returns ret.

SetDlgItemInt(dlg, id, val, is_signed)

Wraps the SetDlgItemInt() function. The C signature of SetDlgItemInt() is

BOOL SetDlgItemInt(HWND dlg, int id, UINT val, BOOL is_signed)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetDlgItemInt((HWND)dlg, id, (UINT)val, (BOOL)is_signed);

Returns ret.

SetDlgItemText(dlg, id, text)

Wraps the SetDlgItemText() function. The C signature of SetDlgItemText() is

BOOL SetDlgItemText(HWND dlg, int id, LPCSTR text)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetDlgItemText((HWND)dlg, id, (LPCSTR)text);

Returns ret.


Wraps the SetFocus() function. The C signature of SetFocus() is

HWND SetFocus(HWND wnd)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetFocus((HWND)wnd);

Returns ret.

SetScrollPos(wnd, bar, pos, redraw)

Wraps the SetScrollPos() function. The C signature of SetScrollPos() is

int SetScrollPos(HWND wnd, int bar, int pos, BOOL redraw)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetScrollPos((HWND)wnd, bar, pos, (BOOL)redraw);

Returns ret.

SetScrollRange(wnd, bar, min_pos, max_pos, redraw)

Wraps the SetScrollRange() function. The C signature of SetScrollRange() is

BOOL SetScrollRange(HWND wnd, int bar, int min_pos, int max_pos, BOOL redraw)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetScrollRange((HWND)wnd, bar, min_pos, max_pos, (BOOL)redraw);

Returns ret.

SetTimer(wnd, timer_id, elapse, timer_func)

Wraps the SetTimer() function. The C signature of SetTimer() is

UINT SetTimer(HWND wnd, UINT timer_id, UINT elapse, TIMERPROC timer_func)

The function is called like this:

if (timer_func == Py_None)
    ret = SetTimer((HWND)wnd, (UINT)timer_id, (UINT)elapse, NULL);
else {
    if (timerproc_add((HWND)wnd, (UINT)timer_id, timer_func) < 0)
        return NULL;
    ret = SetTimer((HWND)wnd, (UINT)timer_id, (UINT)elapse, timerproc_trampoline);

Returns ret.

SetWindowLong(wnd, index, new_long)

Wraps the SetWindowLong() function. The C signature of SetWindowLong() is

LONGOBJ SetWindowLong(HWND wnd, int index, LONG new_long)

The function is called like this:

ret = wnd_proc_setwindowlong(wnd, index, new_long);

Returns ret.

SetWindowPos(wnd, wnd_insertafter, x, y, cx, cy, flags)

Wraps the SetWindowPos() function. The C signature of SetWindowPos() is

BOOL SetWindowPos(HWND wnd, HWND wnd_insertafter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT flags)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetWindowPos((HWND)wnd, (HWND)wnd_insertafter, x, y, cx, cy, (UINT)flags);

Returns ret.

SetWindowText(wnd, text)

Wraps the SetWindowText() function. The C signature of SetWindowText() is

BOOL SetWindowText(HWND wnd, LPCSTR text)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetWindowText((HWND)wnd, (LPCSTR)text);

Returns ret.


Wraps the ShowCaret() function. The C signature of ShowCaret() is

BOOL ShowCaret(HWND wnd)

The function is called like this:

ret = ShowCaret((HWND)wnd);

Returns ret.


Wraps the ShowCursor() function. The C signature of ShowCursor() is

int ShowCursor(BOOL show)

The function is called like this:

ret = ShowCursor((BOOL)show);

Returns ret.

ShowWindow(wnd, cmd_show)

Wraps the ShowWindow() function. The C signature of ShowWindow() is

BOOL ShowWindow(HWND wnd, int cmd_show)

The function is called like this:

ret = ShowWindow((HWND)wnd, cmd_show);

Returns ret.

TrackPopupMenu(menu, flags, x, y, wnd)

Wraps the TrackPopupMenu() function. The C signature of TrackPopupMenu() is

BOOL TrackPopupMenu(HMENU menu, UINT flags, int x, int y, int reserved, HWND wnd, RECT *rect)

The function is called like this:

ret = TrackPopupMenu((HMENU)menu, (UINT)flags, x, y, 0, (HWND)wnd, NULL);

Returns ret.

TranslateAccelerator(wnd, acc_table, msg)

Wraps the TranslateAccelerator() function. The C signature of TranslateAccelerator() is

int TranslateAccelerator(HWND wnd, HACCEL acc_table, MSG *msg)

The function is called like this:

ret = TranslateAccelerator((HWND)wnd, (HACCEL)acc_table, &msg->msg);

Returns ret.


Wraps the TranslateMessage() function. The C signature of TranslateMessage() is

BOOL TranslateMessage(MSG *msg)

The function is called like this:

ret = TranslateMessage(&msg->msg);

Returns ret.

UnregisterClass(name, inst)

Wraps the UnregisterClass() function. The C signature of UnregisterClass() is

BOOL UnregisterClass(LPCSTR name, HINSTANCE inst)

The function is called like this:

ret = UnregisterClass((LPCSTR)name, (HINSTANCE)inst);

Returns ret.


Wraps the UpdateWindow() function. The C signature of UpdateWindow() is

BOOL UpdateWindow(HWND wnd)

The function is called like this:

ret = UpdateWindow((HWND)wnd);

Returns ret.

ValidateRect(wnd, rect)

Wraps the ValidateRect() function. The C signature of ValidateRect() is

BOOL ValidateRect(HWND wnd, RECT *rect)

The function is called like this:

ret = ValidateRect((HWND)wnd, rect);

Returns ret.

WritePrivateProfileString(app, key, val, file)

Wraps the WritePrivateProfileString() function. The C signature of WritePrivateProfileString() is

BOOL WritePrivateProfileString(LPCSTR app, LPCSTR key, LPCSTR val, LPCSTR file)

The function is called like this:

ret = WritePrivateProfileString((LPCSTR)app, (LPCSTR)key, (LPCSTR)val, (LPCSTR)file);

Returns ret.

Arc(dc, left, top, right, bottom, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end)

Wraps the Arc() function. The C signature of Arc() is

BOOL Arc(HDC dc, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int x_start, int y_start, int x_end, int y_end)

The function is called like this:

ret = Arc((HDC)dc, left, top, right, bottom, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end);

Returns ret.

BeginPaint(wnd, ps)

Wraps the BeginPaint() function. The C signature of BeginPaint() is

HDC BeginPaint(HWND wnd, PAINTSTRUCT *ps)

The function is called like this:

ret = BeginPaint((HWND)wnd, &ps->ps);

Returns ret.

BitBlt(dest_dc, dest_x, dest_y, width, height, src_dc, src_x, src_y, rop)

Wraps the BitBlt() function. The C signature of BitBlt() is

BOOL BitBlt(HDC dest_dc, int dest_x, int dest_y, int width, int height, HDC src_dc, int src_x, int src_y, DWORD rop)

The function is called like this:

ret = BitBlt((HDC)dest_dc, dest_x, dest_y, width, height, (HDC)src_dc, src_x, src_y, (DWORD)rop);

Returns ret.

CreateCaret(wnd, bitmap, width, height)

Wraps the CreateCaret() function. The C signature of CreateCaret() is

BOOL CreateCaret(HWND wnd, HBITMAP bitmap, int width, int height)

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateCaret((HWND)wnd, (HBITMAP)bitmap, width, height);

Returns ret.

CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, width, height)

Wraps the CreateCompatibleBitmap() function. The C signature of CreateCompatibleBitmap() is

HBITMAP CreateCompatibleBitmap(HDC dc, int width, int height)

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateCompatibleBitmap((HDC)dc, width, height);

Returns ret.


Wraps the CreateCompatibleDC() function. The C signature of CreateCompatibleDC() is

HDC CreateCompatibleDC(HDC dc)

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateCompatibleDC((HDC)dc);

Returns ret.

CreateDC(driver, device)

Wraps the CreateDC() function. The C signature of CreateDC() is

HDC CreateDC(LPCSTR driver, LPCSTR device, LPCSTR output, DEVMODE *init)

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateDC((LPCSTR)driver, device, NULL, NULL);

Returns ret.

CreateFont(height, width, escapement, orientation, weight, italic, underline, strikeout, charset, output_precision, clip_precision, quality, pitch_and_family, face)

Wraps the CreateFont() function. The C signature of CreateFont() is

HFONT CreateFont(int height, int width, int escapement, int orientation, int weight, DWORD italic, DWORD underline, DWORD strikeout, DWORD charset, DWORD output_precision, DWORD clip_precision, DWORD quality, DWORD pitch_and_family, LPCSTR face)

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateFont(height, width, escapement, orientation, weight, (DWORD)italic, (DWORD)underline, (DWORD)strikeout, (DWORD)charset, (DWORD)output_precision, (DWORD)clip_precision, (DWORD)quality, (DWORD)pitch_and_family, (LPCSTR)face);

Returns ret.

CreateHatchBrush(style, color)

Wraps the CreateHatchBrush() function. The C signature of CreateHatchBrush() is

HBRUSH CreateHatchBrush(int style, COLORREF color)

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateHatchBrush(style, (COLORREF)color);

Returns ret.


Wraps the CreateSolidBrush() function. The C signature of CreateSolidBrush() is

HBRUSH CreateSolidBrush(COLORREF color)

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateSolidBrush((COLORREF)color);

Returns ret.


Wraps the DeleteDC() function. The C signature of DeleteDC() is

BOOL DeleteDC(HDC dc)

The function is called like this:

ret = DeleteDC((HDC)dc);

Returns ret.


Wraps the DeleteObject() function. The C signature of DeleteObject() is

BOOL DeleteObject(HGDIOBJ obj)

The function is called like this:

ret = DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)obj);

Returns ret.

DrawText(dc, text, count, rect, fmt)

Wraps the DrawText() function. The C signature of DrawText() is

int DrawText(HDC dc, LPCSTR text, int count, RECT *rect, UINT fmt)

The function is called like this:

ret = DrawText((HDC)dc, (LPCSTR)text, count, &rect->rect, (UINT)fmt);

Returns ret.

Ellipse(dc, left, top, right, bottom)

Wraps the Ellipse() function. The C signature of Ellipse() is

BOOL Ellipse(HDC dc, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

The function is called like this:

ret = Ellipse((HDC)dc, left, top, right, bottom);

Returns ret.

EndPaint(wnd, ps)

Wraps the EndPaint() function. The C signature of EndPaint() is


The function is called like this:

ret = EndPaint((HWND)wnd, &ps->ps);

Returns ret.

FillRect(dc, rect, brush)

Wraps the FillRect() function. The C signature of FillRect() is

int FillRect(HDC dc, RECT *rect, HBRUSH brush)

The function is called like this:

ret = FillRect((HDC)dc, &rect->rect, (HBRUSH)brush);

Returns ret.


Wraps the GetDC() function. The C signature of GetDC() is


The function is called like this:

ret = GetDC((HWND)wnd);

Returns ret.

GetDeviceCaps(dc, index)

Wraps the GetDeviceCaps() function. The C signature of GetDeviceCaps() is

int GetDeviceCaps(HDC dc, int index)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetDeviceCaps((HDC)dc, index);

Returns ret.

CreateIC(driver, device, output)

Wraps the CreateIC() function. The C signature of CreateIC() is

HDC CreateIC(LPCSTR driver, LPCSTR device, LPCSTR output, DEVMODE *init)

The function is called like this:

ret = CreateIC((LPCSTR)driver, device, output, NULL);

Returns ret.


Wraps the GetStockObject() function. The C signature of GetStockObject() is

HGDIOBJ GetStockObject(int object)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetStockObject(object);

Returns ret.

GetTextMetrics(dc, tm)

Wraps the GetTextMetrics() function. The C signature of GetTextMetrics() is

BOOL GetTextMetrics(HDC dc, TEXTMETRIC *tm)

The function is called like this:

ret = GetTextMetrics((HDC)dc, &tm->tm);

Returns ret.

InvalidateRect(wnd, rect, erase)

Wraps the InvalidateRect() function. The C signature of InvalidateRect() is

BOOL InvalidateRect(HWND wnd, RECT *rect, BOOL erase)

The function is called like this:

ret = InvalidateRect((HWND)wnd, rect, (BOOL)erase);

Returns ret.

LineTo(dc, x, y)

Wraps the LineTo() function. The C signature of LineTo() is

BOOL LineTo(HDC dc, int x, int y)

The function is called like this:

ret = LineTo((HDC)dc, x, y);

Returns ret.

MoveToEx(dc, x, y, point)

Wraps the MoveToEx() function. The C signature of MoveToEx() is

BOOL MoveToEx(HDC dc, int x, int y, POINT *point)

The function is called like this:

ret = MoveToEx((HDC)dc, x, y, point);

Returns ret.

Rectangle(dc, left, top, right, bottom)

Wraps the Rectangle() function. The C signature of Rectangle() is

BOOL Rectangle(HDC dc, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

The function is called like this:

ret = Rectangle((HDC)dc, left, top, right, bottom);

Returns ret.

ReleaseDC(wnd, dc)

Wraps the ReleaseDC() function. The C signature of ReleaseDC() is

int ReleaseDC(HWND wnd, HDC dc)

The function is called like this:

ret = ReleaseDC((HWND)wnd, (HDC)dc);

Returns ret.

RGB(red, green, blue)

Wraps the RGB() function. The C signature of RGB() is


The function is called like this:

ret = RGB((BYTE)red, (BYTE)green, (BYTE)blue);

Returns ret.

SelectObject(dc, obj)

Wraps the SelectObject() function. The C signature of SelectObject() is

HGDIOBJ SelectObject(HDC dc, HGDIOBJ obj)

The function is called like this:

ret = SelectObject((HDC)dc, (HGDIOBJ)obj);

Returns ret.

SetBkColor(dc, color)

Wraps the SetBkColor() function. The C signature of SetBkColor() is


The function is called like this:

ret = SetBkColor((HDC)dc, (COLORREF)color);

Returns ret.

SetBkMode(dc, mode)

Wraps the SetBkMode() function. The C signature of SetBkMode() is

int SetBkMode(HDC dc, int mode)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetBkMode((HDC)dc, mode);

Returns ret.

SetBrushOrgEx(dc, x_org, y_org, pt)

Wraps the SetBrushOrgEx() function. The C signature of SetBrushOrgEx() is

BOOL SetBrushOrgEx(HDC dc, int x_org, int y_org, POINT *pt)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetBrushOrgEx((HDC)dc, x_org, y_org, pt);

Returns ret.

SetPixel(dc, x, y, color)

Wraps the SetPixel() function. The C signature of SetPixel() is

COLORREF SetPixel(HDC dc, int x, int y, COLORREF color)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetPixel((HDC)dc, x, y, (COLORREF)color);

Returns ret.

SetTextAlign(dc, mode)

Wraps the SetTextAlign() function. The C signature of SetTextAlign() is

UINT SetTextAlign(HDC dc, UINT mode)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetTextAlign((HDC)dc, (UINT)mode);

Returns ret.

SetTextColor(dc, color)

Wraps the SetTextColor() function. The C signature of SetTextColor() is

COLORREF SetTextColor(HDC dc, COLORREF color)

The function is called like this:

ret = SetTextColor((HDC)dc, (COLORREF)color);

Returns ret.

TextOut(dc, x, y, text, len)

Wraps the TextOut() function. The C signature of TextOut() is

BOOL TextOut(HDC dc, int x, int y, LPCSTR text, int len)

The function is called like this:

ret = TextOut((HDC)dc, x, y, (LPCSTR)text, len);

Returns ret.


Wraps the UnrealizeObject() function. The C signature of UnrealizeObject() is

BOOL UnrealizeObject(HGDIOBJ obj)

The function is called like this:

ret = UnrealizeObject((HGDIOBJ)obj);

Returns ret.


Wraps the servent_from_buffer() function. The C signature of servent_from_buffer() is

SERVENT servent_from_buffer(Buffer *buff)

The function is called like this:

ret = servent_from_buffer((Buffer_Obj *)buff);

Returns ret.


Wraps the hostent_from_buffer() function. The C signature of hostent_from_buffer() is

HOSTENT hostent_from_buffer(Buffer *buff)

The function is called like this:

ret = hostent_from_buffer((Buffer_Obj *)buff);

Returns ret.

buffer_ensure_size(buff, size)

Wraps the buffer_ensure_size() function. The C signature of buffer_ensure_size() is

int buffer_ensure_size(Buffer *buff, int size)

The function is called like this:

ret = buffer_ensure_size((Buffer_Obj *)buff, size);

Returns ret.


Wraps the buffer_get_ptr() function. The C signature of buffer_get_ptr() is

int buffer_get_ptr(Buffer *buff)

The function is called like this:

ret = (int)((Buffer_Obj*)buff)->buff;

Returns ret.


Wraps the closesocket() function. The C signature of closesocket() is

int closesocket(SOCKET s)

The function is called like this:

ret = closesocket((SOCKET)s);

Returns ret.

connect(s, addr)

Wraps the connect() function. The C signature of connect() is

int connect(SOCKET s, SOCKADDR_IN *addr, int namelen)

The function is called like this:

ret = connect((SOCKET)s, (SOCKADDR*)&addr->addr, sizeof(addr->addr));

Returns ret.


Wraps the ntohl() function. The C signature of ntohl() is

u_long ntohl(u_long val)

The function is called like this:

ret = ntohl((u_long)val);

Returns ret.


Wraps the htonl() function. The C signature of htonl() is

u_long htonl(u_long val)

The function is called like this:

ret = htonl((u_long)val);

Returns ret.


Wraps the htons() function. The C signature of htons() is

u_short htons(u_short val)

The function is called like this:

ret = htons((u_short)val);

Returns ret.


Wraps the ntohs() function. The C signature of ntohs() is

u_short ntohs(u_short val)

The function is called like this:

ret = ntohs((u_short)val);

Returns ret.


Wraps the inet_addr() function. The C signature of inet_addr() is

u_long inet_addr(char *str)

The function is called like this:

ret = inet_addr(str);

Returns ret.


Wraps the inet_ntoa() function. The C signature of inet_ntoa() is

char *inet_ntoa(int addr)

The function is called like this:

ret = inet_ntoa(addr);

Returns ret.

ioctlsocket(s, cmd, argp)

Wraps the ioctlsocket() function. The C signature of ioctlsocket() is

int ioctlsocket(SOCKET s, long cmd, u_long *argp)

The function is called like this:

ret = ioctlsocket((SOCKET)s, (long)cmd, &argp);

Returns ret, argp.

recv(s, buf, len, flags)

Wraps the recv() function. The C signature of recv() is

int recv(SOCKET s, LPSTR buf, int len, int flags)

The function is called like this:

ret = recv((SOCKET)s, buf->buff, len, flags);

Returns ret, str.

send(s, buf, len, flags)

Wraps the send() function. The C signature of send() is

int send(SOCKET s, LPSTR buf, int len, int flags)

The function is called like this:

ret = send((SOCKET)s, (LPSTR)buf, len, flags);

Returns ret.

socket(af, type, protocol)

Wraps the socket() function. The C signature of socket() is

SOCKET socket(int af, int type, int protocol)

The function is called like this:

ret = socket(af, type, protocol);

Returns ret.

WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr(wnd, msg, addr, len, type, buf, buflen)

Wraps the WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr() function. The C signature of WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr() is

HANDLE WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr(HWND wnd, u_int msg, char *addr, int len, int type, char *buf, int buflen)

The function is called like this:

ret = WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr((HWND)wnd, (u_int)msg, addr, len, type, buf->buff, buflen);

Returns ret, str.

WSAAsyncGetHostByName(wnd, msg, name, buf, buflen)

Wraps the WSAAsyncGetHostByName() function. The C signature of WSAAsyncGetHostByName() is

HANDLE WSAAsyncGetHostByName(HWND wnd, u_int msg, char *name, char *buf, int buflen)

The function is called like this:

ret = WSAAsyncGetHostByName((HWND)wnd, (u_int)msg, name, buf->buff, buflen);

Returns ret, str.

WSAAsyncGetServByName(wnd, msg, name, proto, buf, buflen)

Wraps the WSAAsyncGetServByName() function. The C signature of WSAAsyncGetServByName() is

HANDLE WSAAsyncGetServByName(HWND wnd, u_int msg, char *name, char *proto, char *buf, int buflen)

The function is called like this:

ret = WSAAsyncGetServByName((HWND)wnd, (u_int)msg, name, proto, buf->buff, buflen);

Returns ret, str.

WSAAsyncSelect(s, wnd, msg, event)

Wraps the WSAAsyncSelect() function. The C signature of WSAAsyncSelect() is

int WSAAsyncSelect(SOCKET s, HWND wnd, UINT msg, long event)

The function is called like this:

ret = WSAAsyncSelect((SOCKET)s, (HWND)wnd, (UINT)msg, (long)event);

Returns ret.


Wraps the WSACancelAsyncRequest() function. The C signature of WSACancelAsyncRequest() is

int WSACancelAsyncRequest(HANDLE async_handle)

The function is called like this:

ret = WSACancelAsyncRequest((HANDLE)async_handle);

Returns ret.


Wraps the WSACleanup() function. The C signature of WSACleanup() is

int WSACleanup()

The function is called like this:

ret = WSACleanup();

Returns ret.


Wraps the WSAGetLastError() function. The C signature of WSAGetLastError() is

int WSAGetLastError()

The function is called like this:

ret = WSAGetLastError();

Returns ret.

WSAStartup(version, wsa_data)

Wraps the WSAStartup() function. The C signature of WSAStartup() is

int WSAStartup(WORD version, WSADATA *wsa_data)

The function is called like this:

ret = WSAStartup((WORD)version, &wsa_data->data);

Returns ret.


Wraps the WSAGETASYNCERROR() function. The C signature of WSAGETASYNCERROR() is

int WSAGETASYNCERROR(int lparam)

The function is called like this:


Returns ret.


Wraps the WSAGETSELECTEVENT() function. The C signature of WSAGETSELECTEVENT() is


The function is called like this:


Returns ret.


Wraps the WSAGETSELECTERROR() function. The C signature of WSAGETSELECTERROR() is


The function is called like this:


Returns ret.